Wolverhampton BTW

England in 1835

Published 1836
Author Raumer, Friedrich Ludwig Georg von
Translators Austin, Sarah, Lloyd, Hannibal Evans
Title England in 1835: Being a Series of Letters Written to Friends in Germany, during a Residence in London and Excursions into the Provinces: by Frederick Von Raumer, Professor of History at the University of Berlin, Author of the ‘History of the Hohenstaufen;’ of the ‘History of Europe from the End of the Fifteenth Century;’ or ‘Illustrations of the History of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries,’ &c. &c. Translated from the German. By Sarah Austin. Three Vols.
Publisher’s imprint London: John Murray, Albermarle Street. MDCCCXXXVI [1836].
Printer’s colophon London: Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, Stamford Street.
Format 8o; pp. xxxvi. 280(I), vi. 310(II), v. 318(III)
Sources BBT, 13; NSTC
Copy inspected Google Oxford
  1. Vols 1-2 trans. fr. German by Sarah Austin; vol. 3 by Hannibal Evans Lloyd.

  2. Editions: Leipzig 1836 (German), 1836, Philadelphia 1836.

  3. Reviews: Athenaeum, no. 432 (6 Feb. 1836): 97-100; Athenaeum, no. 433 (13 Feb. 1836): 122-28 ['Second Notice']; Literary Gaz., no. 996 (20 Feb. 1836): 117-18 [Germ. edn]; Literary Gaz., no. 1001 (26 Mar. 1836): 196-97 [Eng. trans.]; Athenaeum, no. 439 (26 Mar. 1836): 218-21; Edinburgh Rev. 63.127 (Apr. 1836): 198-224; Mirror of Literature 27.771 (9 Apr. 1836): 238-40, cont. 27.772 (16 Apr. 1836): 251-54, cont. 27.775 (7 May 1836): 299-301; Dublin Rev. 1.1 (May 1836): 131-51; Fraser's Mag. 13.77 (May 1836): 631-38; Metropolitan Mag. 16.61 (May 1836): 13-14; Monthly Rev. 2.1, 4th ser. (May 1836): [1]-21; Tait's 3.29 (May 1836): 315-25; Quarterly Rev. 56.112 (July 1836): 530-83; North American Rev. 43.93 (Oct. 1836): 445-58 [Philadelphia edn].

  4. Full text links: Google vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3

Genre Narrative letters
BTW record no. BTW1229
Region England

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