Wolverhampton BTW

Views in the Pyrenees

Published 1831
Author Young, Robinia Elizabeth
Title Views in the Pyrenees: with Descriptions by the Author of the Sketches.
Publisher’s imprint London: Printed by the Author, 9, Fitzroy Street, Fitzroy Square; and by Henry Leggatt & Co., 85, Cornhill; Colnaghi, Son, & Co., Pall Mall East; Moon, Boys, and Graves, Pall Mall West; and D. Walther, Brydges Street, Strand. Sold also by Oliphant, Waugh, and Innes, Edinburgh; Wm. Curry, Jun., and Son, Dublin; and Galignani, rue Vivienne, Paris. M.DCCC.XXXI [1831].
Printer’s colophon London: J. Moyes, Took's Court, Chancery Lane.
Format 4o; 1 vol.: pp. [1]. 32; 10 plates; letterpress
Sources lst Google; NSTC 2Y2039; OCLC 504183101
Copy inspected BL 1789 b.17
  1. T.p. epigraph: ["Qui non palazzi, non teatro o loggia; / Ma 'n lor vece un abeto, un faggio, un pino / Fra l'erba verde e 'l bel monte vicino, / Levan di terra al ciel nostr' intelletto."]; from Petrarch, Canzoniere 10, ll. 5-7.

  2. Dedicated 'To Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent' [Princess Victoria, duchess of Kent (1786-1861; ODNB), mother of Queen Victoria].

  3. Attribution: The plates are signed R. E. Young, but otherwise the author gives very little away about her identity or sex. However, the narrative concludes with a verse extract labelled, 'MS Poetry on Chepstow Castle, by R. Young, D.D.' (her uncle), followed by a vignette depicting a lady being carried in a covered palanquin on poles, supported before and behind by two sturdy guides.

  4. Reviews: Athenaeum, no. 227 (Sat., 3 Mar., 1832): 147; London Literary Gaz., no. 795 (Sat., 14 Apr., 1832): 234.

Genre View book
BTW record no. BTW1207
Region Spain

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