Wolverhampton BTW

Hill and Valley, or Hours in England and Wales

Published 1838
Author Sinclair, Catherine
Title Hill and Valley, or Hours in England and Wales. By Catherine Sinclair, Daughter of the Late Right Honourable Sir John Sinclair, Bart. Authoress of Modern Accomplishments, Modern Society, Charlie Seymour, and the Nursery Plutarch. Dedicated to the Travellers’ Club.
Publisher’s imprint Edinburgh: William Whyte and Co. Booksellers to the Queen-Dowager; Longman, Orme and Co.; Hamilton, Adams and Co.; J. Duncan; Simpkin, Marshall and Co.; Whittaker, and Co. London; W. Curry, Jun. and Co. Dublin; and W. Collins, Glasgow. MDCCCXXXVIII [1838].
Printer’s colophon Edinburgh: Printed by Balfour & Jack, Niddry Street.
Format 12o; 1 vol.: pp. v. 454
Sources NSTC 2S22606
Copy inspected Google Oxford
  1. T.p. epigraph: [“Smack went the whip, round went the wheels.” Cowper.]; from William Cowper, 'The Diverting History of John Gilpin' (1782), l. 41.

  2. Editions: New York1838, Edinburgh1839(2nd), Edinburgh1850, Edinburgh1858.

  3. Reviews: Literary Gaz., no. 1110 (Sat., Apr. 28, 1838): 259-60; Athenaeum, no. 549 (Sat., May 5, 1838): 322; New York Rev. 3.5 (July 1838): 266-67; Church of England Quarterly Rev. 4.8 (Oct. 1838): 589-91.

  4. Full text links: Google

Genre Narrative letters
BTW record no. BTW1160
Regions England, Wales

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