Wolverhampton BTW

Travels in Algeirs [sic], Spain

Published 1824
Author Barnard, Sophia
Title Travels in Algeirs [sic], Spain, &c. &c. With a Faithful and Interesting Account of the Algerines, Amongst Whom the Authoress Resided Some Time, and from Her Access to Whom, She Had Many Opportunities of Discovering and Appreciating Their Customs, Ceremonies, Pursuits, Costume, &c. Which No Historian Has before Detailed, with a Minuteness Due to that Extraordinary and Interesting Race of People; also a Copious Description of Her Residence in Andalusia, Abounding in Remarkable Events, Anecdotes of Persons, Places, Produce, &c.
Publisher’s imprint London: Goyder, 415, Strand. Sold also by Barry and Son, Booksellers, Bristol. [1824?].
Format 8o; 1 vol.: pp. viii. 140; plate
Sources NSTC 2A8220; OCLC 3485661
Copy inspected Google Oxford
  1. T.p. epigraph: [“The mind untaught, / Is a dark waste, where fiends and tempests howl; / As Phoebus to the world, is science to the soul; / And reason now through number, time and space, / Darts the keen lutre [sic], of her serious eye, / And learns, from facts compared, the laws to trace, / Whose long progression leads to Deity!” Beatie.]; from James Beattie, The Minstrel (1771-74), bk 2, st. 45-46.

  2. NSTC and most sources suggest 1820 as the likely date of publication, but this can be discounted for two reasons. First, Thomas Goyder, printer, operated from 415, Strand, around 1824-25, having moved from 8, Charles Street, which appears on his imprints of 1820. Second, when discussing the yellow fever epidemic of 1813, Barnard refers to her 'recording an event above eleven years gone by' (123), again suggesting 1824 as the earliest possible date of publication.

  3. Full Text Links: Google

Genre Narrative
BTW record no. BTW1015
Regions North Africa, Spain

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