Wolverhampton BTW

Tour to the Sepulchres of Etruria

Published 1840
Author Gray, Elizabeth Caroline
Title Tour to the Sepulchres of Etruria, in 1839. By Mrs. Hamilton Gray. With Numerous Illustrations.
Publisher’s imprint London: J. Hatchard and Son, 187, Piccadilly. 1840.
Printer’s colophon London: Printed by Ibotson and Palmer, Savoy Street, Strand.
Format 8o; 1 vol.: pp. 507
Sources NSTC 2G18508
Copy inspected Google Oxford
  1. T.p. epigraph: [“Ere yet decay’s effacing fingers / Have swept the lines where beauty lingers, / Go bend thee o’er the illustrious Dead.”]; adapted from George Gordon, Lord Byron, The Giaour (1813), ll. 71-72.

  2. Editions: 1841(2nd), 1843(3rd).

  3. Reviews: Monthly Rev. 1.1 (Jan. 1841): 59-67; London Quarterly Rev. 47 (Mar. 1841): 202-12; Quarterly Rev. 67.134 (Mar. 1841): 375-94; American Eclectic 1.3 (Mar. 1841): 587-89 [US; repr. Quarterly Rev.]; Edinburgh Rev. 73.147 (Apr. 1841): 121-51; Gentleman's Mag. 15 (Apr. 1841): 388-92; London and Edinburgh Mag. 1.3 (May 1841): 201-207; Dublin Rev. 13.26 (Nov. 1842): 485-511; University Mag. 24.143 (Nov. 1844): 527-43 [3rd edn].

  4. Full text links: Google

Genre Narrative
BTW record no. BTW1074
Region Italy

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